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Feeding the data hungry

As of 2020 the Sunshine Coast is home to an 18 Tbps submarine data cable providing the fastest east coast connection from Australia to Asia.

Data hungry businesses of all sizes can benefit from faster data speeds, reduced risk and lower costs.

The Sunshine Coast is also placed at the forefront of the cyber security sector with the establishment of a new national organisation aimed at protecting the nation against cyber criminals.

The Critical Infrastructure – Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (CI-ISAC) is a not-for-profit industry-based organisation which provides comprehensive information analysis advice to assist its membership base to protect Australia’s most critical infrastructure.

Future fast data

Image: Exterior of NEXTDC's SC1, Tier 3N+1 Edge Data Centre


In late 2021, ASX-listed NEXTDC purchased the Sunshine Coast International Broadband Cable Landing Station from Sunshine Coast Council to create the SC1 Tier 3N+1 Edge Data Centre. Located in the heart of Maroochydore, the data centre provides a direct link to high-speed data via the Sunshine Coast’s international submarine cable. 

With a total planned capacity of 1MW, SC1 supports the highest levels of customer availability and is backed by a service guarantee of 100% uptime.

NEXTDC’s national digital infrastructure platform is also home to the largest network of public cloud access points (cloud onramps) across all cloud platforms, which SC1 connects directly to via NEXTDC’s AXON Interconnection platform.

To support backhaul requirements from B1 and B2 Brisbane to JGA-S submarine cable, QCN Fibre has ‘lit’ up 35 Terabytes per second of diverse telecommunications capacity.

The Google factor

The Sunshine Coast is now possibly Australia’s most globally connected region with a Google and NEXTDC partnership delivering a second submarine broadband cable to the Maroochydore data centre.

Testing Tech in Paradise

The Sunshine Coast, Australia is uniquely positioned to allow companies to come and test and trial new tech in the real world.

Star performer

Image: Inside the cable landing station

Where lightning speeds meet lifestyle needs

OneQode is one of the first startups to use the broadband network as a launchpad, building a next-generation network to deliver fast, secure and stable connectivity to customers across Australia and the Asia-Pacific.

OneQode has launched digital services from the Sunshine Coast direct to Brisbane CBD. With the lowest latency path to east Asia from Brisbane, this network provides unparalleled speed and is ushering in a new era of internet connectivity.

“The Sunshine Coast Council must be commended for their proactive approach to building infrastructure for the future. The CLS (Cable Landing Station) and access to the international cable are just two of many ways they’re helping businesses like us make a meaningful difference to the lives of local residents and businesses.”

– Matthew Shearing, CEO, OneQode

Latest stories

Click the links below to read the latest stories on how the new Sunshine Coast International Broadband Network has helped these data hungry businesses thrive. 

More information

Click below to download the ebook, whitepaper or developers’ fact sheet on Australia’s fastest data connection to Asia from the east coast. 

Sunshine Coast International Broadband Network ebook

CIO Summit Whitepaper


Want to know more?