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Testing Sports Tech in Paradise: Australia’s Sunshine Coast

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  • Testing Sports Tech in Paradise: Australia’s Sunshine Coast

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What makes the Sunshine Coast, Australia truly special for tech entrepreneurs is its upcoming role as a sports tech playground, thanks to the Olympic and Paralympic Games Brisbane 2032.

This stunning piece of sub-tropical coastline will host seven Olympic and two Paralympic events during the Olympic and Paralympic Games Brisbane 2032, offering an exciting moment for athletes and sports enthusiasts, but also a tremendous opportunity for tech entrepreneurs in the sports technology sector.

With the global spotlight on the Olympics, sports tech is poised to take centre stage, offering a myriad of possibilities for innovation and collaboration.

For tech entrepreneurs seeking an ideal location to test sports-related technology, the Sunshine Coast emerges as a prime destination due to its unique blend of cutting-edge digital infrastructure, a thriving sports culture and the natural beauty of Australia.

Sports tech on the global stage.

As the world converges on the Sunshine Coast, Australia for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, tech businesses and entrepreneurs will have the chance to showcase and refine their sports-related technology solutions on an international stage.

Whether it’s wearable fitness devices, augmented reality sports training, fan engagement platforms or other innovative tech, the Sunshine Coast, Australia provides a real-world testing ground leading up to the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The influx of athletes, sports officials and spectators will create a dynamic ecosystem ripe for collaboration and feedback, making the Sunshine Coast, Australia an ideal location to validate sports tech solutions.

Moreover, the legacy of the Olympics will endure long after the closing ceremony. The infrastructure investments and the heightened interest in sports will leave a lasting impact on the region’s sports technology landscape.

An emerging sports tech hub.

Tech entrepreneurs who choose the Sunshine Coast, Australia as their testing ground now can tap into a growing community of sports enthusiasts, athletes and sports-related businesses; fostering innovation and partnerships that will extend well beyond the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

In this vibrant and future-focused environment, the Sunshine Coast stands as a hub where sports tech entrepreneurs can not only test their innovations but also be at the forefront of shaping the future of sports technology on a global scale.

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Testing Tech in Paradise

Unleashing next generation digital services: Sunshine Coast’s urban testbed

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More than sports tech: a thriving tech ecosystem

While sports tech takes the spotlight, the Sunshine Coast, Australia offers much more to tech companies. Its strategic location provides proximity to talent and resources from the major cities. 

Australia has a burgeoning tech scene, with a growing pool of highly skilled professionals in software development, data science and other key tech sectors. The Sunshine Coast provides easy access to this talent pool.

Additionally, the Sunshine Coast is home to the award-winning Sunshine Coast University and many research institutions, creating a symbiotic relationship between academia and industry that is crucial for innovation. The collaboration opportunities are not limited to sports tech but extend to various tech domains.

Elevate your tech game in Australia's digital paradise

The Sunshine Coast, Australia, is not just a sub-tropical paradise but a tech testing ground with a focus on sports tech innovation. With its cutting-edge digital infrastructure, proximity to talent, quality of life, cost-effectiveness and strategic time zone, it offers a compelling package for tech companies.

As the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games approach, the Sunshine Coast will become a beacon for tech entrepreneurs looking to make their mark in the sports tech industry. So, if you’re a tech company in the US looking for the next big opportunity, don’t just look west to Silicon Valley; look across the Pacific to the Sunshine Coast, Australia.

Case study:
The Connected Worker

This video features a case study called “The Connected Worker” in which Sunshine Coast Council, in partnership with The AVR Lab, has successfully tested augmented reality wearables and software using the Maroochydore City Centre’s high speed/low latency WiFi 6 Network.

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Business testimonial:
The AVR Lab story

In this video, The AVR Lab discuss the benefits of testing and trialling new tech for their business and their experience of working with Sunshine Coast Council.

The future is bright and it's shining right here.

Ready to join the tech revolution on Australia's Sunshine Coast?

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