Caloundra CBD revitalisation
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- Caloundra CBD revitalisation

Known as the “City of Beaches” Caloundra is undergoing a revitalisation following the adoption of the Caloundra Centre Masterplan in 2017.
Sunshine Coast Council adopted the Caloundra Centre Master Plan in 2017 to encourage new investment in Caloundra’s central business district.
Since then, Council has undertaken the following actions to expand Caloundra’s potential and deliver the Master Plan’s vision:
- Amendments to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme to increase opportunities for commercial and residential development within and near the centre to increase the in-centre resident population and make Caloundra transit ready for high frequency public transport.
- Master planning for the Caloundra Town Square development site to establish new and improved open space and cultural facilities at the heart of Caloundra and provide a strategic impetus for revitalisation, including a new Regional Art Gallery.
- A major upgrade and refurbishment of The Events Centre to ensure Caloundra remains a leading location for entertainment and cultural events on the Sunshine Coast.
- Committing project funding and working with the Queensland Government on a one-network solution to enhance access into and throughout Caloundra centre.
- Completing another major stage of streetscape works in the Centre’s main street – Bulcock Street – with future stages aimed at enhancing connections between Bulcock Street, the Bulcock Beach Esplanade and the cultural and civic activities focused on Omrah Avenue and The Events Centre, Caloundra.
Who's it for?
- Professional services
- Tourism operators including hotels
- Restaurants and cafes
- Retail
- Cultural and creative facilities
- Professional services
- Retail/cafe/restaurant leasing
- Main street retail
- Commercial premises for lease and sale
- Professional offices