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If you build, own or operate hotels - Sunshine Coast Council wants to talk to you!

On 26 August, Council took a strong step forward in attracting new hotel development in the region by approving part one of a specialised package of incentives to encourage new hotel construction and operation within specific areas of the Sunshine Coast.

Additionally, Council is also seeking broader community feedback on a proposed second part of the package which includes additional planning scheme related incentives, such as those outlined in a draft Temporary Local Planning Instrument. The results of the consultation will come back to Council in December 2024 for further consideration.

Mayor Rosanna Natoli said about the incentives package:

“It signals to industry our strong desire to see high quality, four and five star hotels being developed, in a considered way, here on the Sunshine Coast. We acknowledge the strong economic impacts that hotel investment will create, and we are keen to engage with the business community across Australia, and internationally, on this.”

The initiative is aimed at alleviating some of the financial burden from the recent rises in the cost of construction and aims at putting the Sunshine Coast first and centre of mind for hotel developers, owners and operators.

In recognition of our region’s status as a delivery partner for the 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games, the package of incentives is timebound, to deliver near term outcomes.

“While by itself the package cannot address all the challenges in building new hotel product, we hope it goes some way in saying Council is serious about wanting to have conversations with hotel developers and operators with strong track records in the sector,” said Cr Terry Landsberg Economic Development Portfolio Councillor.

A recent survey of 40 local businesses, ranging from multinationals to regional event organisers, demonstrated strong support for Council doing more to attract short-stay, branded hotel product.

Ten reasons to invest in Sunshine Coast hotels:

  • 1
    Strong occupancy performance
  • 2
    Some of the highest ADRs in the country
  • 3
    Demand exceeding supply
  • 4
    Diverse sources of demand
  • 5
    Strengthening demand from business travellers
  • 6
    Incentives and Council assistance
  • 7
    Co-Host City to Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games
  • 8
    Long-term investment in region-shaping projects
  • 9
    #3 most loved destination on the planet (2023)
  • 10
    Within a 2-hour reach of a 4 million+ population

For more information on Hotel Investment Incentives package contact Invest Sunshine Coast today at

Sunshine Coast Investment Prospectus: Hotel Edition

Download the special edition to learn why 2150 new internationally branded and operated hotel rooms and a further 300 boutique hotel rooms are needed on the Sunshine Coast

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